The 32nd Travels: July 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Everything shows up in your writing... I think i'm confused.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Some practise I did in the morning sparked off this thinking about man and what wild really meant. Somehow I get this nagging feeling that while we can boast of huge skyscrapers roads mega cruisers, breakthrough technology and even stuff that can prolong our lives, nothing we did was ever in the best interests of the very place we live in. Not denying my role in this cycle of destruction, I think that when in time to come, if man really disappeared from the Earth (be it extinction or some migration to other planets), we'd have left her in such a mess than when we first arrived.
nature may heal itself, everything may be back to what it was before, but this does not mean that we should have pushed her to the limits. Freak weather's are starting, and I think its getting pretty evident now. Even the very roads we built before seem to be crumbling under the pressures of our own devices (the standstill traffic jams common in moscow city, the aging heat vents of manhatten).
Nothing can last long.. if we in the first place had no intention of keeping it that way. When in abundance, we become extravagent without thinking, and when limited, we begin to suffer from the actions we had done before. Everything may well be a cycle of cause and effect, and now effects are taking a toll on us.
Man, the first animal to have done so much creation and destruction. Its so convenient to forget that we aren't the only ones on this Earth. Maybe we shouldn't be too proud of our rationality. After all, rational human beings litter, torture animals, and now kill each other. How proud can we be...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Comic Relief
\totally enjoy the Get Fuzzy series of comics! apart from Baby Blues & Peanuts!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Strength to Strength...

These days I began to see more of what my future had in stall for me. Apart from the daunting task of getting thru the A's unscathed, I found myself facing dilemas and troubles which have made me realise more. & nope i dun think they made me stumble one bit!.

Relationships may just be the one thing hardest to explain. Putting them under scrutiny, i realised that you just can't explain why some makes you irritated, why others make you glad. While some may regard the friends they make as mere aqquaintances during a transition period from child to adulthood... nothing much to lose..., others may want such friendships to last forever.
For myself, I do really hope that friendships now would last! But theres this inherent fear that at this stage i'm not anymore conscious and appreciative of the friends around me than when I was in primary school! It's quite regrettable that i have so little memories of my primary school classmates, friends that have stayed with me for the six years! I fear that when I grow up, the consciousness of the working world becomes so overwhelming that I begin to forget... to forget the times with volleyball, tennis and frisbee during breaks, with the friends I can hang out with after school, and with the memories of the times at the OAC bench and the related memories that had gone before!

Nope hopefully I've not become more moneyminded! But i guess I've finally gotten used to the habit of saving, and watch my wealth grow! (though its not substantial, but I'm really glad to have saved quite a nice bit!) Accounting's quite important, and with my parents help I've quite gotten used to analysing my handphone bills, managing my piggy bank account as well as keep tabs on the bank statement I receive regularly! Guess thats lifeskills for me, before I can be granted full autonomy over my savings, and over my life. Theres just so much to learn about where your money should go, and how it can grow!
Somehow, I seem to have a negative impression of people who talk so much about the finest dining experience at fancy restaurents, AND criticise the economical food found in hawker centres, when they themselves really are not financially independent to sustain such exquisite dining experiences. Please please just keep the criticisms to yourself and respect the food that have nourished me for 18 years of my life! (haha i think this is a hypothetical person as of now!)

I really don't know what life after A's would have in store for me... & the plans that I have now all hinge on the single exam coming up in almost 100 days time! While I may be able to identify all the best universities that specialise in my field of interest, what I really want to know is whether I can thrive in a university environment thats best for me! & yes friendships are important! Really cannot accept the idea that being on foreign soil, I may just be the person the local students there would not welcome. Well.. i guess life may well be a cycle of hates and likes, and 因果循环.

may forever not be appealing to a person who think the worse of things! Bad days are days when you feel blue, and for me it means that i need more time with myself! But whats so nice about good days without bad ones!!!!!

For me, the 2 years of JC life was indeed fruitful! With the greatest experience with OAC, with great friends from sjab squadmates and oac batchmates, and with all the fun I had playing sports and games and meeting new people, JC life has indeed left me with little to regret...

& with so much I learnt and experienced, with the friends beside me, we definitely did grow from strength to strength...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Topsy turvy world it is...

Since when did siew mai gave us so much trouble! (apart from choking in which u shld really do the heimlich maneuver)

Since when did a cup of drink cause you to be labelled as one 'overcome by greed'?

& an entire slippery slope of weird punishments then come in...

I mean.. these are really illogical practices, & its jaw dropping to see them imposed! Throughout this entire week I kept thinking about the reasons behind all these punishments on top of trying to spread to as many people as possible about the absurdity of such actions! At the end of this week, I'm quite positive I've came up with three more than convincing reasons to argue against such unfair-ness!
1) No effort was put into understanding the context of the situation, relying solely on a testimony, which is undoubtably one-sided.
2) One's hardwork in their CCA should NOT be wiped off just because of a relatively insignificant incident, which was NOT a direct result of the work done in the CCA
3) Slippery slope of hunger to greed to thiefs to disasterous crimes is a FALLACY, a real from of exaggeration and faulty reasoning
4) Going back on one's word isn't a very right thing to do, esp when you have a certain responsibility and image to hold
5) Principle of charity is conveniently ignored! Its this age when we should be focussing on the major upoming hurdle up ahead rather than get so emotionally distraught from the false accusations and exagerations!

Haha I think these reasons are not exhaustive but should suffice! Its quite the first time i'm applying what I learnt in KI! Realised that there's so much value in learning this subject!

Anyway, on a lighter note, I've been thinking of the people I should really treasure now that our sch days are going to be over!!!!! While I may have nearly forgotten most of my primary school mates, probably due to non contact over the years, it shouldn't happen to these bunch of friends and people from my JC & sec sch days!!!!!!
1H & 2H classmates have given me some direction in school, as well as cause for fun & laughter!
3H & 4H classmates are really hardworking people that still do not shy away from fun!
7E classmates for sticking together and making me enjoy much of my jc life!!! ( really!!!)
EZOAC!! for the greatest memories I would surely treasure! I've probably said the most about my batchmates and our escapades in my older posts, but these are just the tip of the iceberg of experiences we had!!!!
SJAB!! for so much so much everytime. Its great to be able to hang out & share freely about each other's experiences!!! Surely we do not shy away at getting laughed at, or laughin at others! Its this kind of bond which surely isnt breakable, & definiteli theres not issue of whos more popular and whos not here!!!
& so many others whom I've met in these sch days and whom I have gone thru a chapter of my life with!!!

In sum, even without a very nice environment around, I've been always able to fall back on the friends that have made this chapter of my life so much more meaningful, and so much more joyous!!!

even to people who don't like sharing siewmais!