The 32nd Travels: September 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not a bad song over POTC3 clips!

Oh how music evokes emotions...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

To not let pieces of wonderful memories out of my mind...

The times after the last morning paper of Prelims on the 20th this month were fond and special!

And the night right after H3 paper was another I wouldn't mind replaying it in my mind & in future over and over again! So we did change our plans every so often, so we only managed to get to sentosa like 8plus? So we didnt get the full attendance I would have liked... but while the time may disappear so fast... the FUN didnt! The half-laughing conversations after a night of frisbee (and abit of volleyball with an elusive ball amidst the darkness), and the rites-of-passage thing in sentosa we did just as we were in Ophir, and all the coolest instances of walking, running, wowing, laughing, the common lagging, all served to top my day of smiles!

Haha time to look forward once more, and just be glad that these bits of my memory wouldn't go away so very soon! Well.. I can always hope for more!
Bits and Pieces

Ideas come to me in fragments... when will they ever link up? Yet, there are just some thoughts, and hopes, still lingering in my mind. Almost all are bits and pieces of events that have shaped my past, some recent, some not so recent, but all equally significant. Thoughts and actions are peculiar things... they make up the person, and define the angle in which we look at him/her, yet vanish right after a brief stint on Earth, when the person dies. Some famous thinkers (I don't wish to call them "great" or "greater") have their thoughts and philosophies forever embedded in the minds of those still alive. Thats good for them! But more often than not people might always model their thoughts according to those thinkers they believe in. Its nothing wrong, but I believe that each of us have the very same mental capacity of conjuring up equally distinct philosophies of our own.

The way one lives, those bits and pieces of events, makes the ideas one conjures as unique as the guy on the left or the girl on the right. This would potentially destroy any notion of the common identity. No it does not. Going through the essentially the same mundane chores of living makes up the family identity. Having a special group that has had great experiences with each other, and where one feels really comfortable makes up the group identity (& thats EZOAC for me!). Zoom out further we begin to define our identity according to the soils we thread on, and thats national identity. & when we zoom out to the max, the human instinct of survival, pursuit of happiness, and avoidance of pain can simply defined as the human identity.

Bits and pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are unique in their own way, yet form this intricate picture when all put together.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pangea is the name of the original super-continent which contained all the world's land mass before the continents started splitting apart 250 million years ago.
May 10, 2008... I'll mark this down on my calender.
Now wasn't this a trip something a long while ago...
Arguably the first time going overseas with friends just for pure fun! Wonder when another trip would happen again!

Friday, September 14, 2007

They say you can almost tell a person's personality by the songs that stir their emotions. Maybe it does for photos too!
Person, people and the world. The latter seems fairly distinguishable from the others. So lets stop harping on what we want the world to be, but what we should be to the world. But then again... is there anything we should actually be?
Oh well... just love the world & the things in it i guess!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

just plain sick of seeing the NDP logo...
Cause it just reminds me of how mesmerizing the performances were!

Small (and insignificant) things to someone may well be big (and special) things to another.
So the moon may smile on me, & console another
& so people say... these are the little things in life.
These little things in life, aren't little things to me!
Mistakes aren't there to be forgotten, they're there to learn from
Happy times aren't there always, thats why they're special
The mundane chores of housework, homework spread themselves out throughout our lives
& they're just there, so we have more time to think...
Of these little things in life.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Singaporeans never pause, do we?
A newspaper article mentioned this term: pause-ability. I think it was a fair comment on Singaporeans. Somehow every thing we do has to achieve clockwork efficiency; round-the-clock work, round-the-clock mugging etc... time never seems to be enough! Is it?
As bleak as this prospect may sound, when we actually do disappear from the face of this Earth one day, nothing will change. Nature will still take its course, & Singaporeans will still work with their usual clock-work efficiency.
Yet, detached as the world seems, it also means that we should not hold the world & its objects too tightly. Experiences that have gone, are gone, and while we can always reminiscence the past, living only in one's past doesnt help one bit.
Mugging gives me all the time in the world to think! Though not on any subject content... but haha juz crap. While I didnt study non-stop, I did what every Singaporean does... never stop (thinking).