The 32nd Travels

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Running, dodging, swerving, braking, hopping, jumping, sliding, squatting, swimming, bending, walking, walking & WALKING... thats what we basically did the entire trip!!!
But during this...

We experienced alot more................................

Windy, sunny, rainy, humid, beauty, scenic, tedious, challenging, amusing, mystical, creery, carefree, challenging, amusing, mystical, creepy, carefree, motivated, accomplished, weary, refreshed, proud, motivated, magical, magical, MAGICAL

Day 1: Into the mystical forest

Our journey was by train, all the way from Johor to Segamat. Undeniably, EZOAC does know how to have our own share of fun!!! Even pissing the staff on the train off when we made a hell lot of noise was fun!

Well... there were signs that this was gonna be a mystical journey for us..

EZOAC getting intrigued by Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire movie shown on the TV. Pity we didn't have brooms to FLY to the top of Mt Ophir!! haha but walkin there proved to be much much more rewarding...

The initial clumb up Gunung ledang (Mt Ophir) was pretty strenous. Scaling the 600 stairs proved not to be a walk in a park!! haha but Pain IS Transient!!!

& Mou just can't stop gekking!

Reached base camp with really high spirits. They had this really nice stream just beside the campsite!

Dinner was realli nice!!! Our guide Yusof turned out to be a part time cook (possibly)... & his specialty is...... Rendang!!

But maybe we were all just too hungry... so we decided to catch the fishes in the stream using our plates!!! But to no avail.. caus these magical fishes actualli jump!

& Mou was so sad...

Day 2: Up, up & atop Ophir!

Found this nice stick insect in the morning

Now Yusof our great cook conjured up some Roti Prata, which tasted totalli delicious with Rendang!

Dumping our bags & liberating our shoulders, we set off for the submit of Ophir.
This trek was everything EZOAC wanted: land & air activities!!!

We had:

Rockclimbing & Abseiling


& between all that, the view was MAJESTIC

Atop Mt Ophir, we were amongst the clouds.

& EZOAC was carved in stone!!!

The view was a feast for the eyes... & i'm sure even Yusof's 8 megapixel camera can never capture the beauty we 12 EZOAC-ians saw that day.

As we descended, there was a storm!! which made the trek all the more exciting. Mother nature was our friend, as we relied alot on dangling roots and branches while making a slow descend. Not to mention the immense fun we had going down!!!
After nightfall, we played mafia under near total darkness! The atmosphere was there, my batchmates were there, laughter was there... it could never have gotten better!

Day 3:Homeward Bound

After 2 days of mud, sand, rain, sweat, fun, laughter, joy, we just had to leave this magical place. The last 2 hours of trekking was treasured... definitely!
EZOAC was still mightily enthusiastic still! Apparently nothing can stop us from having our own share of fun!
The train ride back was super noisy!! Thankfully no1 complained!!!

Ophir may have its share of stories about spirits and fairies, but none of these made this expedition mystical. It was my batchmates, our EZOAC spirit, & that drive within us that made all that difference!! Feeling clean, pampered and comfortable is heavenly, roughing it out in the outdoors is an Experience!!!

& EZOAC returns from Ophir with this:

A shirt which is really cool!

The 32nd travelled
From Ophir & back


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