The 32nd Travels: August 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fleeting moments..

Just like a rainbow.

Many things disappear before we learn to cherish them. Yet regrets are counterproductive when we want to remain optimistic about the future!

The black whale video that PengSing posted on his blog also shows how we always tend to fall prey to certain preconceived ideas (and misgivings) of people before actually learning that:

Everything wrong is ones judgement, and ones judgement only.

Well... at least hold your judgements til the end, if we don't want to be opinion-less people!

I am glad for the morning today!

Monday, August 20, 2007

An exco of 5!

Seldom actually acknowledge them… but I really appreciate all the cheers, and work everyone did throughout my term!
Maybe I was wrong...

More like an exco of 23!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Drafting this post on the same spot where I was studying for my end of year examinations in secondary 4, a flood of memories about the past resurfaced in my mind. It seems so interesting how nothing in my old neighborhood has changed since moving house two years ago.

The same few neighbors still lived beside my house.
The old tree that sheltered me when I was waiting for the bus in primary school still stood strong.
The uncle opposite my house whom never fails to reach home almost exactly at 4.30 still never changes his habit.
The roads, the neighborhood, and the feel… nothing has changed much.

While new things arouse our interests once in a while… nothing new ever lasts. The pride of wearing new accessories, fashion or technology fades as soon as they join the ranks of the old. Things remain eternal only if we treasure them not on the basis of new or old, funky or cool, but what they actually mean to us personally.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Somehow when it comes to quantifying the achievements we all had in our CCAs, nothing can quite capture the EXPERIENCES behind them.

High sounding names which inflate what was actually achieved, simple events that actually meant much more... I think these are stuff our highly Intelligent School Portal can never capture.

OAC was such a pivotal chapter in my life. Though I was awarded the role of participant in many activities in J1, and now the term 'organizers/group leaders' in J2, these terms fail to reflect what OAC meant to me. No.. we werent just participants in camps. Surely we were much more active and involved than that! & no.. we werent just organisers for events that come and go. Surely we were groundbreakers constantly refining the traditions of the camps we had also experienced when we were young J1s!

For the sake of records, I guess these terms and names would just remain as they are... Yet, names are nothing without the EXPERIENCES that go behind them! Names, positions and terms never did make the event.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I took a Deep Breath of fresh air, and took in the night's Sights and Sounds

Stunning pyrotechnics, breath-taking views, mesmerizing performances... I can't help but think how much effort's been put into this one night of glitz (plus the many months of rehearsals), and the enormous budget given to the crew. Would they have been put to better use?
Putting my ultra-positive comments about the performances and army display aside, it's quite heartwarming to see that so many people from all walks of life were roped into the preparations!
Walking along raffles city were volunteers selling clappers for community chest (*I think)
Along the streets were to commonfolk selling ice-cream and getting great business
While getting to my seats were ushers comprising of student volunteers, and not forgetting first aiders from SJAB!
Along the stands were members/volunteers from TOUCH community service getting viewers into the groove of the performances
Walking down the aisles were volunteers seeking small donations for charity
Along the red-tiled area in front of the floating platform were motorcross riders and local singers and performers strutting their stuff
On the platform were numerous cheery primary and secondary school pupils as well as PA, SOKA members putting up great performances
At the grandstand were the thinkers and planners of our city landscape and position in the world stage
And everywhere else that could stand people were the citizens of the nation, all gathered to witness a spectacular display of our nation's progress!
Well... maybe the budget's really been put to great use! I guess it beats spending millions on luxury living where only few people can enjoy. Being someone greater than yourself... i think NDP has indeed been a performance greater than ordinary performances! & I should learn from this too...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Can't say i'm not proud of my juniors! Well.. while they would have a great future OAC term ahead of them come end of promos, my future kinda lies in the big hurdle in november! Plus, I hope that my not-so-secret objective of passing down the newly created frisbee tradition to 7E juniors would be achieved before my term in school expires!

I enjoy school, for its gentle breeze which makes finishing homework a nice activity to engage in when u really have nothing else to do!
I enjoy the school atmosphere, for the friends who have liven up the mood around the class benches!

& yup! life's good!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Theres this nice cheery tune to 歐得洋 songs! & its real nice to think of life in the tunes of some songs... a nice tune or melody...

& yes we all should just really move to the beat of life...

Friday, August 03, 2007

While people may jump for joy thinking about the prospect of not having to get CS, not having to endure rambling lecturers, or feak timetables, it all seems rather uncomfortable thinking that I may never again get to enjoy the times of lectures, tutorials and many after school OAC & non-oac activities, discounting the rambling that went through for most of the lectures & tutorials that is.
Mrs Chin talked about the need for a proper ending to this chapter of our lives, and yes I do agree with her! But not in the manner of holding some weird graduation day which splits up the faculties. Really wish I can avoid the pang of nostalgia that accompanies the memorable things I did in the past; sjab, hainan, mongolia, hmun, khaolak and loads and loads of random OAC formal and informal activities etc... What I feel most appropriate is not the prospect of shaking my CT's hand, but the need to remember all the friends I have, and the memories we all shared. Yes... certainly that definitely includes the friends that I have made during my JC times, through random frisbee games at the central plaza and competitions, through just hanging out at the class benches and OAC bench, and through all the enjoyable sports I played, making friends that I actually sincerely hope we could have all spent more time together.

I have this undeveloped idea in my head about how I'm gonna really treasure the friendships I've made!!!!! BUT... with the daunting task of not sleeping during lectures, of clearing the piles of homework inch by inch, I'm afraid that this idea would remain a half-baked idea, just as it is...

FOr now, I don't think I'd ever be up in arms celebrating any prospect of leaving school. As men ultimately must get on with their lives, I would definitely hope for continual friendships, while pursuing my dreams in the future!

For now, I'll just spend the rest of the days really cherishing all the great times I had in school, and the people that made mugging all worthwhile

For now, there'd be no happiness about ending this JC chapter!