The 32nd Travels

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Being Small

Haha must take this short reprive from the pressures of school!

I do love the ordinary. & sometimes it feels nice to just be part of something, just one of the footprints on this Earth.. nothing special.

I want to be committed! Not because I have a great responsibility.. but juz caus I want. But with responsibility, I seem to have lost the right to comment.. With responsibility, I cannot judge how ones time should be allocated.. With responsibility, people listen, but do they understand? Haha.. hope so!
So sometimes I hope to be small, so I can do what I believe in, not what I should be doing.

I felt...
Warmth as the foliage of the trees sheltered me from the rain during the last 2 trips to Ubin. Rainy days with Ezoac again! But fun, laughter & comfort nonetheless!
Hope as the breeze today brought with it a gentle message that there are better & more exciting days to come!
Happiness, for my great bunch of classmates! & juniors in 07s7e, who are really a vibrant lot!
Conquest, as a nice new checkpoint was discovered as us Getafix GIs (waikuan & I) stumbled up a small hill to search for the Rock Lion!
Joy, as I remembered the special days & nights before, && great days ahead!

Haha being small ain't exactly bad.
At least I can take a step back, enjoy the world & friends.

The way I see it


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