The 32nd Travels

Friday, February 02, 2007

[We're so radically different]

The energy sapping school yr of 07 seems to be taking a toll on me. Maybe we've sorta forgotten our instincts: our instinct to rough it out, yet enjoy, our instinct to listen, yet have fun, our instinct to express, yet respect others. Oh ok... maybe its just mine.

Half the time I sorta wished we all weren't so radically different! All our thoughts, the way we express things, the way we view stuff, our sense of urgency, & even our priorities. At times these differences surface, and they become hard to reconcile.

Yet, most times this becomes a source of strength I guess. Capitalising on individual strengths, we're truly able to work things our fine! Even if this means the occasional flaring up of short 'tempers', missing out on the strict image we all should and want to portray. 船到桥头自然直. With all our unique talents, guess things can become special!

Tempers do flare la... there are disagreements, there are times we dun feel comfortable. So we DO still lack mutual understanding. Complaining is one thing, explaining is another. & I'm sure we'll understand if ones commitments shift. We all have our own problems, & maybe sharing them out would be the best thing to do! Not just for oneself, but for everyone. Only by sharing would we understand, & only by letting uncomfortable feelings known can we work to improve.

There are times when we stood by one another, clear of our goals, & worked hard & committed towards them. Theses aren't rare times... These are OUR times.

We may falter, we may wish we'd done better, we may fail to protect each other

BUT... our spirits must not waver!

After all... we'll never walk alone.

We may be so
Radically Different


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