The 32nd Travels: December 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

About 2006,
a year of deep experiences

I imagined it to be unEventful. It wasn't. With 2 years in Junior College, I thought that I couldn't do much. & I was wrong, thankfully. There was so much I did, but so little I could remember. Hai.. haha. I got through sleep-inducing lectures, tutorials that didnt seem to end, & nerve-wrecking tests & examinations, all with thoughts of playing frisbee during breaks, scooting off to the next OAC training, the next Ubin trip, the next bikehike, the next rockclimbing adventure, the next world... A world of my own.

It had Escapades. I attempted things I had not done before. I caught on this game of disc throwing from my CCA... frisbee. It's a great game!! Full of fun & easy to learn & master. I don't think i'm really good at frisbee though, seeing my own stamina & throwing/passing abilities. I have much to learn! & thankfully, I have 2007. Somethings are worth sacrificing sleep for. Like Night Biking. Great adventures guranteed everytime. & you're not fighting with the cars on the road, but fighting instead to keep your eyes wide open. Its essential that you cycle with great friends too!

It had Wonderful changes. Over the year, I realized everyone changed. With my batch, we've matured to become this tightly-knit OAC family. I'm not exhagerating, & hope no one thinks so too. Its great to see these people in school, along the corridors, outside of school, & especially during training sessions!!! My classmates changed, & I should change too. Sometimes, maybe acceptance is the start to enjoying your time, in any circumstance. I would change, but pity 2006 spared little time to effect this belief. With my family, despite the occasional disputes, I'm PROUD of them!!! Its hard to find a place to find comfort and warmth.
I had my Perceptions Altered. Anything with OAC is fun!! I had asked some of my batchmates earlier this year.. whether they'd joined OAC for the activities or the people. Their answer to me was... for the people. It was surprising, to me at least. I won't deny the fact that I was. BUT, perceptions do change, & it changed RAPIDLY. Every experience made me realized one important thing... that without these bunch of batchmates, no activity would be fun. It isn't so much of training 24/7, running every morning, or thrashing other school ODACs in all activities. It isn't as fulfilling to scale Ophir in record time, than to have the time of your life taking in the sights & sounds, && soaking in the wonderful feeling of just being with great people. It isn't as fulfilling to accomplish difficulty 6c & above rockwalls without sweat, than to attempt a wall while your batchmates cheer you on, in spite of your failure. It isn't as fulfilling to spend wednesdays sleeping or playing computer games, than to get all rugged & dirty with the ones you enjoy being with!
I had goals, now I have Dreams Abound. I wanted to try my hand at science research. I got my SRP project. I wanted to help the community. I got the chance to continue my service to Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore. I wanted a fun JC life. Now I have great buddies & batchmates!!
Through this year(2006), great & memorable events unfolded , & I'm GLAD ABOUT IT!!
a year of deep experiences
It was 2006
~~~So it was 2006, a year of Eventful Escapades, Wonderful changes, Perceptions Altered, Dreams Abound, & Glad About It!!! & so it was... A Year OF 2006~~~

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

26 Dec

Its been raining non-stop for this entire day. But if I don't rmb wrongly, its this day that they're having the Tsunami Memorial in Thailand. Its a great place.. Khaolak.. except what happened on this day i guess.

I don't know much abt this day.. & its significance. I don't know what the people attending this memorial felt on this day.. nor am in a position to emphatise with them.

All I know is that, the beach where the waves crashed ashore is beautiful

Maybe it wasn't so 2 years ago.

26 Dec

I would rmb


Haha have to wait til its nearing the end of the hols to find out I havn't done loads of stuff. My OAC term's gonna get busier for the next half of the year! & I'm juz glad about it!! Haha doing stuff with my batchmates is juz really fulfilling! Fun aside, everyone can be very efficient when it gets down to doing stuff. Believe the capabilities of being MOTIVATIONAL & PROFESSIONAL instructors is just inside every one of them!

There are just stuff deep down I just wanna do... & I'll make time for them!!! If the chance comes! haha

I feel Overwhelmed
overwhelmed with excitement!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Haha felt I just HAD to put this up!
a Kiwi is a FLIGHTLESS bird native to New Zealand.

Dreams are there for a reason! So don't stop dreaming!
Work on them
While u're at it!

Someone made me change my DP! Haha the new one looks better though! But this frozen breath skull has been with me since like sec1. Haha some things are just hard to let go!
Playing in the Sun
Biking in the Rain

Our exchange programme with PJC ODAC was FUN! It wasnt easy for two groups of people who don't know each other to really bond well with each other... esp with this short a time of 2 days. & I still admit cliques are hard to break!
BUT, we at least managed to etch out a form of friendship! I guess we realli do hav to make the effort to make these friendships sustainable. Its a good eye-opener too.. this exchange!! They understand our training system, we know where we stand... Haha!! But all in all... I really think our OAC's UNIQUE!! If 'fun' could be weighed, it'd tip the balance off its scale!

the bike route was interesting, biking in the rain was of utmost fun, fixing the bike improved our repair skills... all in all... It was Great!

No.. its OAC

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Funny how some things juz drift back into your head when it rains...

I thought of...
Ophir... when climbing down from the summit

Biking... during the PJ exchange programme (which was quite fun caus the wind was blowing against us & i realli couldn't see much in front!)

Biking again... during ITC. It was one of the most memorable rain experiences I had! Pulau Ubin terrain just gets better when it rains!

My younger days... when I loved staying in my parent's car in the rain! warm & nice

Mongolia... When we had to escape from the coming storm, pitch our tents & have dinner

Khao Lak OCIP... when we kept staring at the increasing water level as the roads slowly got flooded

The vast ocean...

Loads of wonderful nights

Indeed the pace of life does slow down when trickles of water fall from above. & so I thought..

& more Rain

Friday, December 15, 2006

4H Class Gathering

No... there were no books nor homework on the dining table.

Sometimes, we are just misunderstood.

Haha.. 4H gathering was GREAT!! It was last minute, but I'm just really glad most of us found time to turn up! I won't dare say i'm close to every1 in the class. But more often than not, it was a simple class... not much class politics, not THAT many cliques, & most of all, loads of nice ppl!!!

Just observe what guys eat..

haha we're seriousli on an unhealthy diet! But no harm having this just for one time!
4H Gathering

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

For my previous post, the link to this deviantart is as follows.

& This clip is really touching.

Sometimes... we just move too fast, & forget to look back.

This time... Don't forget.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Life Before & After...

Before I say anything... This ACRYLIC PAINTING was done by Winston, from NJ AEP. Thanks man!!!

Been looking at this painting for quite awhile alr. & now I decided to talk abit about it!

Legomen accompanied me alot throughout my childhood days. They took on alot of different forms before: policemen; red-indians, knights, pirates, bandits, soldiers, doctors, firefighters or just plain citizens. Immersed in this little world of my own, I waged wars, conducted bank robberies, saved people & so on...

Now, they just lie inside a container in my storeroom, & keep smiling.
Sometimes, I just miss the carefree times before. Those were the times I had the weekends all to myself! Those were the times I couldn't care less about friends! & those were the times I were myself...
For now, I have ditched this fantasy world.
The past was fun to remember, but the future holds much more for me to look forward to!!
I'll just learn from Legoman this once.. & keep smiling!
Well, for now..
Goodbye Legoman!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Running, dodging, swerving, braking, hopping, jumping, sliding, squatting, swimming, bending, walking, walking & WALKING... thats what we basically did the entire trip!!!
But during this...

We experienced alot more................................

Windy, sunny, rainy, humid, beauty, scenic, tedious, challenging, amusing, mystical, creery, carefree, challenging, amusing, mystical, creepy, carefree, motivated, accomplished, weary, refreshed, proud, motivated, magical, magical, MAGICAL

Day 1: Into the mystical forest

Our journey was by train, all the way from Johor to Segamat. Undeniably, EZOAC does know how to have our own share of fun!!! Even pissing the staff on the train off when we made a hell lot of noise was fun!

Well... there were signs that this was gonna be a mystical journey for us..

EZOAC getting intrigued by Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire movie shown on the TV. Pity we didn't have brooms to FLY to the top of Mt Ophir!! haha but walkin there proved to be much much more rewarding...

The initial clumb up Gunung ledang (Mt Ophir) was pretty strenous. Scaling the 600 stairs proved not to be a walk in a park!! haha but Pain IS Transient!!!

& Mou just can't stop gekking!

Reached base camp with really high spirits. They had this really nice stream just beside the campsite!

Dinner was realli nice!!! Our guide Yusof turned out to be a part time cook (possibly)... & his specialty is...... Rendang!!

But maybe we were all just too hungry... so we decided to catch the fishes in the stream using our plates!!! But to no avail.. caus these magical fishes actualli jump!

& Mou was so sad...

Day 2: Up, up & atop Ophir!

Found this nice stick insect in the morning

Now Yusof our great cook conjured up some Roti Prata, which tasted totalli delicious with Rendang!

Dumping our bags & liberating our shoulders, we set off for the submit of Ophir.
This trek was everything EZOAC wanted: land & air activities!!!

We had:

Rockclimbing & Abseiling


& between all that, the view was MAJESTIC

Atop Mt Ophir, we were amongst the clouds.

& EZOAC was carved in stone!!!

The view was a feast for the eyes... & i'm sure even Yusof's 8 megapixel camera can never capture the beauty we 12 EZOAC-ians saw that day.

As we descended, there was a storm!! which made the trek all the more exciting. Mother nature was our friend, as we relied alot on dangling roots and branches while making a slow descend. Not to mention the immense fun we had going down!!!
After nightfall, we played mafia under near total darkness! The atmosphere was there, my batchmates were there, laughter was there... it could never have gotten better!

Day 3:Homeward Bound

After 2 days of mud, sand, rain, sweat, fun, laughter, joy, we just had to leave this magical place. The last 2 hours of trekking was treasured... definitely!
EZOAC was still mightily enthusiastic still! Apparently nothing can stop us from having our own share of fun!
The train ride back was super noisy!! Thankfully no1 complained!!!

Ophir may have its share of stories about spirits and fairies, but none of these made this expedition mystical. It was my batchmates, our EZOAC spirit, & that drive within us that made all that difference!! Feeling clean, pampered and comfortable is heavenly, roughing it out in the outdoors is an Experience!!!

& EZOAC returns from Ophir with this:

A shirt which is really cool!

The 32nd travelled
From Ophir & back

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

If anyone asked me whether there was a trip which left a lasting impression on me... I'd say its my Hainan OCIP in sec 3. Hainan wasn't as action-packed as my Khaolak experience, but i dare say it was one with most memories, and one which acquainted me to... volunteerism i guess (on a side note, i learnt Bridge there too!)
Return to the Dragon Gates.. we shall...

26 of us in total, 13 Nanyang girls and 13 CHS-ians.
I guess secondary 3 was a pretty young age to understand alot, & we really kinda took this trip as a more rugged holiday experience. However, time does change our perception. After this trip I've been observing, & i really guess we've all changed... changed for the better! & that does not mean we're bad ppl from the start k!!! juz oblivious.

Manual labour... For many of us, I'm sure this was the first time we got to do construction work. Carrying bricks, fetching buckets of water and cement wasn't so hard, and through this process we bonded pretty well! I went up and down the hill where we were suppose to build a water tank so many many times that even til today, I think i can roughly remember how the path up the hill was like!
Its such a small hill, yet it seemed to contain a mountain of memories! We toiled for many more days and hours to build the water tank than the hours i spent doing manual labour in khaolak. Both were fun still!

Unlike in khaolak, we had a much much more visible end product!! abeit it being pretty dull. The manual labour I did in khaolak had its own significant meaning though.. one which Jimmy kept stressing: that self sustaining cycle in which the villagers can live off their own hard work!!!

Teaching wasn't as momentful and memorable as in thailand. But alot of other activities we did remain pretty much etched in my memory still.

Guess it's been such a long time ago... & i've only talked about it after 3 years!! but at least after such a long period we still got together last year!

I guess all I want to say is that time should never build a wall amongst friends! As long as we make it a point to catch up with old times, friendships can last!!! well.. haha. For now, I'll be patient patient patient! & do hope my existing friendships can last forever! haha

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wow... my first post! & its on an experience I realli realli wish NOT to forget. Maybe its realli time i shall maintain a blog!
Now for my Khao Lak Wonders!!!...
Its nothing realli... just a trip full of fun, laughter, beauty, memories, learning experiences & loads and loads of enjoyment!
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First thing's first... Sawadeekrap!!!!!!
Our trip there was by budget carrier, Tiger airways. At least it was a new carrier! Pretty comfortable too!
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I sorely missed the food!
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Seriously.. the food there is cheap and heavenly!!!! Just give the macdonalds and KFCs a miss, turn a few corners here and there & u'd arrive in food heavan! We tried that on the last day & chanced upon: Egg & Banana Roti Prata!!! & the thai delicacy we've all been craving since day 1: Mango(Mamuang) with Glutinous Rice!!! All that wait for 5 days was worth it! I mean.. we are THAT happy to be in Thailand with good food that we even play with it!
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Haha after eating sooo much food! We really do need to burn off all those calories! What better way to do that than by carrying over 1000+ poonkees of sand & running NONSTOP for a few hours!!! Well... thats what all of us did!
Image hosted by Hey it was fun nonetheless!!!! At the end of the day... we were very very acquainted with sand, sand & more sand!!! Even our afternoon was spent lazing around on sand!!!

Image hosted by Webshots.comAfter working for only 2 days, we piled up THIS much sand!!! haha just joking.
Lazing at the beach after work was pure enjoyment! Especially with that circular yellow disc which I brought along! We really had fun with it still!!
Image hosted by Webshots.comWhen you're at the beach.. dun u just get that magical feel??? I do! Amidst all this serenity at the beach.. its kinda hard to imagine that in december 2004, a tsunami did struck here.. & with such ferocity... Nature does has its unique way for us to enjoy... & suffer...

Believe me!!! We were GOOD teachers!!! haha. In khaolak I got a chance to teach both adults at the rotary village and children at the sea gypsy village!! Both were unique in their own ways. Went to teach the adults at rotary village for two afternoons. The first was pretty unsuccessful.. & mundane. The second, however, was more fun! We equipped ourselves with a packet of jelly, & at least we succeeded in teaching a lady 'jelly' in english!! I mean.. what can we realli achieve in an afternoon??? haha... but truthfully, I'm pretty sure she learnt much more than that! haha
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Now... on to teaching kids. It's TOTALLY fun!! Initially we were quite distant from the primary 6s, which we taught, due in part to the language barrier. However, being the 6 strong-willed guys we are, we toiled on bravely to 'hand signal' our way through the thoughts of these little kids. It was tough but Pipo (jelly) saved our day! Realised theres just so much to teach with pipo!Like numbers, colours and fruits. The students were very supportive of us, and that truly made us feel at ease to carry out our largely impromptu lesson. Trying our best to recall suitable songs, games and dance, we could only muster a chicken dance and pictionary. Afternoon, we taught them a universal language of understanding: Music!
They took a REALLY long time just to get a feel of the beat though.
Going on a fieldtrip with the students to another village where they lived was a learning experience too! On road terrain that seemed starkly like Pulau Ubin's the kids had to make 2 pretty long trips there & back from school, and they aren't exactly complaining!
Maybe my only regret was not knowing my new found friend;s name. Just called him 'NAUGHTY BOY'. He was the most outspoken person in the class!!! Fun chap to be with!!
Image hosted by Webshots.comMr NAUGHTY BOY!!! haha
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Really... in the end, I think the students didn't learn anything from us. What came out of this 'exchange' was something very very selfish indeed... we learnt... the students didnt.hai.. haha maybe they just learnt that parting was another part of life thats all.

PEOPLE, & a dog
k i MUST talk about the dog first!!! but I shall leave people for the last!!! Always leave the BEST for last! haha
Her name is Fuji:
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Fuji got herself injured possibly when scratching parasites off herself. & now she's pretty weak. Really cute puppy & hope she gets well soon!!!!!!

Now.. the best for last!
Without them... this trip wouldn't have been fun at all!
My HC mates have been great during the trip!!! haha!
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Seriously, we can lame about pretty well! haha i miss the All-Knowing Lift!
Then.. theres just so few guys on this trip.. but when we do come together.. we really can have loads of fun!!!! Just regret not knowing every1 earlier on the trip. The last night in thailand was truly memorable! Imagine 5 guys swimming from 10-12 at night, using LEAVES as planes and boats, & squirting water at each other, then suddenly just brainlessly splashing water all around. The fun part comes when you have to SPRINT your way back to the room, & hoping no one see you! haha
Image hosted by Webshots.comhaha other than that... I got to know a few more new friends!!!! It was fun knowing every1!!!!!
Maybe this trip was just a T junction in all our lives... NJ interactors, VJ interactors, 2 tkss interactors, ONE HC interactor, & 3 HC guys with different ccas! Our lives cross paths for just this 6 days, then we proceed on our own little journey to where our roads lead us.
haha!!! Hopefully someday, all these roads would wind back, & merge into a nice big expressway! haha

My Khaolak Travels
Fun abound!